What’s in my pocket: 12yrs ago vs. today

This is what I could be found carrying ~12 years ago

What I commonly throw in my pocket these days.

A little Wednesday banality. I received an email from Flickr yesterday stating that someone “favorited” the first photograph above. I suspect that during the time I took the photo there was some kind of group share where you take a photo of the things that you were carrying in your pocket at that moment, or what you usually carry on your person. I think “Everyday Carry” or “What’s in my bag” series is still popular on some websites. Looking at the 2 photos above nothing much has changed; I don’t drive in Taiwan so my car keys are gone (thanks Uber) and tech has progressed a great deal. I still like smaller phones, this is my 2nd iPhone SE, and I still don’t carry a large wallet. The Bellroy leather wallet pictured was sent to me from them as a gift before they became the larger company they are today. I loved that tiny Panasonic phone, which I paid about $25 for in Thailand, but it was absolutely impossible to use for anything other than phone calls. A mini-flashlight and whistle are the only new additions, added due to the swarm of earthquakes we had earlier this year.

My iPhone 6 prediction

fanny pack

If all the rumours are correct and Apple does indeed this evening (Taiwan time) introduce a 5+ inch screen iPhone, I predict we’ll see a resurgence of those ridiculous artificial leather wast bags as a man’s fashion accessory. Small waist carry-alls (otherwise known as: fanny pack, hip sack, bum bag) used to be popular in the 80’s, but with the exception of some attempts at reintroducing the accessory and stage its comeback into the fashion world in 2007, it has largely been relocated to poorly dressed tourists, sports enthusiast and/or outdoorsy types (I own one for running).

But how else would one carry such a large phone?